Friday, December 26, 2014

Get to Know the Real Me

So, who am I? Well, I'm just like a lot of you. I'm into reading anything I can get my hands on. This includes what's published and what's on…yeah, if you visit me on that site, I have favorited and followed a ton of stories because they are just that good. Anyway, back on subject. I was a dancer, and now I'm not. I miss it every day. I'm starting this new blog in the hopes that one day, people may actually read this and or comment to let me know that they actually read something I wrote. I am addicted to Pinterest, Tumblr, and YouTube. You can follow me through my Google+ account or here, which is connected, so that makes it very convenient for you and me. Also, I'm 22 years old with no degree trying to get back into college. I want to major in History so I can teach and possibly do other things with it. With history comes lots of research, reading, writing, exploring, which are all things I love and do on a regular basis. I'm always reading…you can follow me on Goodreads too to see what I have, currently, and want to read. Right now, I'm reading Dracula and Intuitive Eating. Kinda funny I'm reading a classic and self-improvement book at the same time, but hey! I do what I want! Sorry, I've been LOKI'D ehehehehe…yeah, as you can tell, I'm a huge fangirl and have many ships in many fandoms like the Avengers, Disney, Dreamworks, Doctor Who, Sherlock, etc. we'll be here all day with me ranting about these incredible fandoms. So, like I said, this is my blog. You can comment below on anything you want to ask and I can answer in my next post. Or you can just say hi! I get very lonely, and social media helps me get over that. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, December 22, 2014


Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog! Here you will find me talking about anything and everything you can think of! For those of you who follow me on other social media sites like Tumblr, Pinterest, and YouTube, well, you have a pretty good idea of what I'm all about! I hope you will find this blog interesting and something you follow and enjoy reading. Thanks for visiting!