Thursday, January 1, 2015


Here's to the new year! Bare with me, I'm gonna be cliche.

I want, from here on out, to be more self-compassionate. Cause honestly, I haven't taken care of myself for the past six years. My eating disorder will NOT define me any more.

I want to go back to school, check things off of my bucket list, see more, read more, write more, etc. I want to live my life the way I want to. I don't want to be the "people pleaser" I've always been. I want to be me.

Easier said than done, right? But it'll be so worth it, I know. The work I will put in fir myself will be so amazing. For the first time in forever, I can do anything without sharing or feeling guilty.

This is my life.

2013 sucked, and the last 5 years before that. But I'm leaving the past behind, and keep moving forward. I've just gotta LET IT GO!!!!!

Follow me on Pinterest, YouTube, and Tumblr to see more about me and what goes on in my head.

Sorry, got off topic for a second. Oh well...

2015 is going to rock! I just know it!!

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